Prof. Hans Peter Ochsenhofer (Wiener Philharmoniker a.D.)
Jul 22-28, 2024
Piano: Tomiko van den Hoek (Jul 25-28)
€ 470 (€ 120 application fee, € 350 course fee)
Optional supplementary package
€ 520
The spplementary package covers
1) Full board at Gasthaus Moser
2) accommodation at Gasthaus Moser or Frühstückspension Mariahilfberg
3) transfer (Vienna Hilton or airport / Jul 21 to Gutenstein and back / Jul 29).
4) All shuttles and transports in and around Gutenstein will be provided for you! Please book the supplementary package till June 15!
The application-and course fee is NOT included in the package and must be payed EXTRA!
Teaching language
German, English
Application deadline
Jul 4, 2024
First meeting: Monday, Jul 22, 11 a.m. at the Meierhof Gutenstein, Markt 2, 2770 Gutenstein (introducing of applicants, schedule of classes, house rules) All lessons for the Masterclass Viola will be generally held at the Refektorium Servitenkloster Mariahilfberg. Shuttles will be provided.
Thursday evening, Jul 25, 2024: Dinner invitation for all students of the Masterclass Viola, 6:30 p.m. at the Gasthaus Moser (changes will be announced in time!)
Prof. Ochsenhofer will work every day with every single applicant for about 45-50 minutes.
Thursday 25 – Sunday 28: During class you will be accompanied by Tomiko van den Hoek
If you want to perform a trio (voice, piano and viola), please let us know: We are very much interested in interactions between the voice and viola class!
Sunday, Jul 28, 2024:
11:00 a.m.: Sunday mass at Mariahilfberg: students of the Masterclass Viola will perform 2-3 pieces.
At the stagepiano: Tomiko van den HoekSunday, Jul 28, 2024:
at about 1:30 p.m.: General rehearsal for the viola class, Refektorium Servitenkloster Mariahilfberg (changes will be announced in time!)
4 p.m.: Concert of the viola class at the Refektorium Servitenkloster Mariahilfberg (Shuttles will be provided to and from Mariahilfberg!)
After the concert drinks and snacks for everyone at the Servitenkloster.
About Prof. Hans Peter Ochsenhofer
Mr. Ochsenhofer was born on 13 January 1948 in Graz (Austria).
He received his first musical education in Oberschützen (part of the University of Music in Graz - violin, trumpet). Then he studied violin with Prof. Franz Samohyl at the University of Music in Vienna.
1971 violinist in the VIENNA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA
1975 changing to the viola section within the orchestra (2nd solo-viola)
1977 graduated with honours (viola) with Prof. Siegfried Führlinger
1977 successful audition for the orchestra of the VIENNA STATE OPERA
1978 leader of the viola-section
He was also a member of the WIENER VIRTUOSEN 1989-1999.
Since 1999 he is member of the VIENNA STRING QUARTETT.
Many tours, TV-shows as well as CD-recordings with these ensembles made him well known in Europe and overseas.
1983 he was invited to teach as professor at the Conservatory of Vienna.
1993 he became o. Univ. Prof. for viola at the University of Music in Vienna.
Many of his students succeeded in auditions for many renowned orchestras like the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (10 players), Vienna Symphony (7 players and solo viola), RSO (2) , NTO (5), Staatskapelle Dresden (1), Mozarteum Orchestra, Wiener Volksoper, Bruckner Orchester Linz (2 solo violas), Kopenhagen Radio, Oslo philharmonic, etc.
Encouraged by the acclaim of well known conductors as Michael Tilson Thomas he worked as a conductor and orchestra educator in USA (American Orchestra Institut, New World Symphony Orchestra), in Japan PMF (founded by Leonard Bernstein), in Austria at the Attergau Institute, Gustav Mahler Orchestra, etc.
His Vienna-debut as a conductor took place in December 2005. This concert was the opening event of the Mozart Year in the series “Zusammenklaenge“ with “WIENER MOZARTISTEN” (members of the Vienna Philharmonic), an orchestra he has founded one year before.
Concerts (also broadcasted on TV) in Austria (Vienna Musikverein), Greece, Germany and Japan.
3 CDs produced by Camerata Tokyo have been released.
Besides in concerts with Wiener Mozartisten Ochsenhofer appeared as conductor in Sofia at the SOFIA MUSIC FESTIVAL (including TV broadcast), repeatedly in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv with the YOUNG ISRAEL PHILHARMONIC (Haydn Symphony Nr. 83 and Tschaikovsky Symphony Nr. 5, Dvorak 7th Symphony and Hindemith Symphonische Metamorphosen), in several concerts with the "Orchestra Academy Ossiach" (a project supported by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra) and concerts in Japan with Gunma Symphony and the Kusatsu Festival Orchestra.
Über Tomiko van den Hoek-Kaneko
Tomiko van den Hoek-Kaneko wurde in Nagoya, Japan geboren und studierte bei Prof. K. Tsuruta in Tokio, bei Prof. F. Massinger in München und bei Prof. W. Manz an der Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe, Deutschland. Auszeichnungen von dem Concours International Maria Canals De Barcelona und „Paul Harris Fellow" von International Rotary Club.
Sie ist die Gründerin des Wiedner Klaviertrio mit den Mitgliedern der Wiener Philharmoniker und Trio Elyseé in Nagoya, Japan. Zahlreiche Konzertauftritte in Österreich, Deutschland, Holland, Griechenland, Spanien, Mexiko und Japan. Neben internationalen Auftritten liebt sie mit ihrem Klavierduo Partner Martyn van den Hoek auch dort zu spielen wo kein Musiker vorher etwas unternahm, z.B. auf dem Gipfel des Losers (1.837m) in Salzkammergut, Österreich in Juli 2014.
Mitwirkungen der CD Produktionen "Journey's Beginning, Journey's End"(2009), „„ (2006-2009) von der Konzertreihe der niederländischen Botschaft Wien und "Steiermark BEFLÜGELT" (2016).
Seit 20 Jahren lebt sie in Wien und arbeitet sowohl Kammermusikerin als begeisterte Klavierpädagogin. Ihr Spezialgebiet ist die Entwicklung der musikalischen Fähigkeiten junger und älteren Musikinteressierten.
Als Auslandsreferentin des Musik Zentral Konzertvereins in Berlin, Yucatan in Mexiko, die Steiermark und Niederösterreich freut sie sich ihre Erfahrungen nun auch in Gutenstein in die Praxis umsetzen zu können.
Für weitere Informationen:
About Tomiko van den Hoek-Kaneko
Tomiko van den Hoek-Kaneko was born in Nagoya, Japan and studied with Prof. K. Tsuruta in Tokyo, with Prof. F. Massinger in Munich and with Prof. W. Manz at the Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe, Germany. Awards from the Concours International Maria Canals De Barcelona and "Paul Harris Fellow" from International Rotary Club.
She is the founder of Wiedner Piano Trio with the members of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and Trio Elyseé in Nagoya, Japan. Numerous concert performances in Austria, Germany, Holland, Greece, Spain, Mexico and Japan. Besides international performances she loves to play with her piano duo partner Martyn van den Hoek also where no musicians performed before, e.g. on the top of the Loser (1.837m) in Salzkammergut, Austria in July 2014.
Several CD productions "Journey's Beginning, Journey's End"(2009), "" (2006-2009) from the concert series of the Dutch Embassy Vienna and "Steiermark BEFLÜGELT" (2016).
She has been living in Vienna for 20 years and works as a chamber musician as well as an enthusiastic piano teacher. Her specialty is the development of musical skills of young and older music enthusiasts.
Having worked abroad for the Musik Zentral Konzertverein in Berlin, Yucatan in Mexico, Styria and Lower Austria, she is now looking forward to putting her experience into practice in Gutenstein.
For more information: