Clara Biermasz
Jun 30 - Jul 6, 2025
Subject to change!
(Thursday, Jul 3 - free day, the class makes a trip to the Myra Waterfalls. Who wants to practice, may stay at the Meierhof)
Fee for active participants piano with Clara Biermasz
€ 370 (€ 120 registration fee, € 250 course fee)
Fee for passive participants
€ 120
Optional supplementary package
€ 580
The supplementary package covers
Full board at Gasthaus Moser
Accommodation at Gasthaus Moser or Frühstückspension Mariahilfberg
Transfer (Vienna Hilton or airport / Jun 29 to Gutenstein and back Jul 7). Transfer shuttles are only available between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m., please book your flight accordingly!!!
All shuttles and transports in and around Gutenstein will be provided for you between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m., except Monday, Jun 30 (welcome dinner!) between 9 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Please book the supplementary package till May 15!
The application and course fees are NOT included in the package and must be payed EXTRA!
Application deadline
Jun 12, 2025 (provided there are still free places)
Cancellation conditions
In the event of cancellation for whatever reason, the course fee will be refunded till Jun 26, later only if you can provide a substitute participant! Once you have completed the registration process, the registration fee will no longer be refunded!
First meeting: Monday, Jun 30, 11 a.m. at the Meierhof Gutenstein, Markt 2, 2770 Gutenstein (introducing of applicants, schedule of classes, house rules)
Monday evening, Jun 30: Welcome dinner for all students of the Masterclasses Piano & Cello, 6:30 p.m. at Gasthaus Moser (changes will be announced in time!)
Clara Biermasz will work every day with every single participant approx. 50 minutes (except on the free day)
Please send your masterclass repertoire to Mrs. Biermasz by Jun 10 otherwise your application will not be accepted!
clarabiermasz@gmail.comIf you want to perform a duo with cello, please let us know! We are very interested in interactions between the piano and cello class!
Sunday, Jul 6, General rehearsal at about 1 p.m., Refektorium Servitenkloster Mariahilfberg (changes will be announced in time!)
4 p.m. Final concert, Refektorium Servitenkloster Mariahilfberg (shuttles will be provided to and from Mariahilfberg).
Über Clara Biermasz
Clara Biermasz, in den Niederlanden geboren, begann schon im Alter von 4 Jahren mit dem Geigenspiel und setzte mit 11 mit dem Klavier fort. Sie studierte an der Akademie der Künste in Utrecht, an der Franz Liszt Musikakademie in Budapest und an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien, wo sie ihre Studien (Klavier IGP) mit dem Master of Arts mit Auszeichnung 2012 abschloss.
Clara Biermasz ist Preisträgerin mehrerer internationaler Wettbewerbe, u.a. Gewinnerin des 1. Preises (VSB Prize) und des Jugend Jury Preises des Prinzessin Christina Wettbewerbs in den Niederlanden (1996), des 1. Preises in der Kategorie Kammermusik und des Primo Premio Assoluto; – Gesamtgewinner aller Kategorien bei dem internationalen Wettbewerb Premio Città di Padova in Italien (2008). 2008 war Clara auch Preisträgerin beim Internationalen
Kammermusik Wettbewerb Thessaloniki in Griechenland.
Sie gab internationale Konzerte als Solistin, Kammermusikerin und Lied-begleiterin, in Zusammenarbeit mit bekannten Künstlern wie Pieter Wispelwey, Johannes Moser, Adam Javorkai, Reinhard Latzko, Michal Balas (Cellisten), Geigerin Lieke te Winkel und Mitgliedern des Königlichen Concertgebouw Orchesters.
Clara Biermasz trat weltweit an berühmten Veranstaltungsorten und Festivals auf, wie im Wiener Konzerthaus, beim Beethoven Festival Wien, beim Chopin Festival Gaming (Österreich) und bei prestigeträchtigen Festivals wie Settimane musicali al Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza. Clara Biermasz war Jurorin beim Internationalen Fryderyk Chopin Klavierwettbewerb für Kinder und Jugend in Szafarnia, Polen, beim Prinzessin Christina Wettbewerb in den Niederlanden, beim Prima la Musica-Wettbewerb in Österreich und als Honorar-Präsidentin beim Internationalen Chopin Wettbewerb in Tangshan, China.
Sie hielt Meisterklassen für die Kodály Society Wales (Vereinigten Königreich), die Henryk Neuhaus Foundation (Polen) und lehrt weiterhin bei den Meisterklassen Gutenstein (Österreich).
Sie war Stipendiatin des Kulturfonds in Holland, der Willem Mengelberg Stiftung, Fonds voor de Geld- und Effectenhandel, Stiftung A.F.V.O.M.S., Niemeijer Stiftung, Vreede Stiftung und erhielt auch ein Stipendium der Stadt Wien.
Neben ihrer musikalischen Karriere ist Clara Biermasz Künstlerische Leiterin der Holländischen Chopin Stiftung und des Chopin Festivals Niederlande und seit 2019 Vizepräsidentin der Internationalen Chopin Gesellschaft in Wien.
“ ... Ein außergewöhnliches Talent mit großen technischen Fähigkeiten ... ”
(Internationale Föderation der Chopin-Gesellschaften 2011)
“ ... Ihr wunderschön klarer Erzählton ließ einen die Sorgen des Alltags einfach nur vergessen ... “
(Wiener Chopin-Blätter, 2012)
“ ... Kammermusik at its best ... “
(Wiener Zeitung über das Duo Jávorkai & Biermasz, April 2014)
About Clara Biermasz
The Dutch-born pianist Clara Biermasz studied at the Academy of the Arts in Utrecht, the Netherlands, at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary, and at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. She completed her Master of Arts with distinction in 2012.
She is an award-winner at many international competitions, including the 1st Prize, VSB Prize, and the Youth Jury Prize at the Princess Christina Competition in the Netherlands, northern region (1996), the first prize in the category of chamber music and ‘Primo Premio Assoluto’ – the overall winner in all categories (respectively in duo with Adam Javorkai) at the international competition ‘Premio Città di Padova’, Italy (2008) and prize-winner at the‘18th International Chamber Music Competition Thessaloniki’ in Greece.
Clara often performs as a soloist, a chamber musician and as a song accompanist. Clara worked together with her husband, cellist Adam Javorkai (Bank Austria Artist of the Year in Austria 2009), cellists Pieter Wispelwey, Johannes Moser, Reinhard Latzko & Michal Balas, violinist Lieke te Winkel, mezzo-soprano Karin Strobos, writer Jan Brokken and members of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Performances at the following venues: in the Wiener Konzerthaus, at the Beethoven Festival Wien, at the Chopin Festival in Gaming (Austria), as well as at such places as the the Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice, the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, the Chopin Centre in Szafarnia (Poland), for the Chopin Center in Hamburg & Darmstadt (Germany), the Dutch Embassy in Vienna, the Dutch Embassy in Cairo (Egypt), the Dutch Embassy in Muscat (Oman), Vredenburg in Utrecht, de Doelen in Rotterdam, the Muziekcentrum Frits Philips, Eindhoven, the Hermitage Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and at prestigious festivals like the ‘Settimane musicali al Teatro Olimpico’, Vicenza.
Clara passionately teaches a piano class with young talents in Vienna and works as a lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna since 2022.
She has held masterclasses for the Meisterklassen Heinrich Neuhaus Foundation Warschau (Poland), the Kodály Society Wales (England) and the Masterclasses Gutenstein (Austria). Since 2022 Clara works as a lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.
Clara served as a jury member at the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition for children & youth in Szafarnia, Poland, at the Princess Christina Competition in the Netherlands, at the Prima la Musica Competition in Austria, the Premio Città di Padova Competition and as a honorary president at the International Chopin Competition in Tangshan, China. Her students were prizewinners at the Indonesia International Piano Competition, at the International Jenö Takács Piano Competition for young pianists and at the Prima la Musica Competition in Vienna.
Besides her musical career, Clara is artistic director of the Dutch Chopin Foundation & Chopin Festival Nederland, since 2016 board member and since 2019 vice president of the International Chopin Society in Vienna.
She has made several recordings for international radio and television stations, among others for ATV and ORF (Austria).
In 2013, her CD with sonatas for cello and piano by Brahms and Grieg was released by the Austrian label Gramola (Gramola 99034). This CD was sponsored by ARP and Blüthner. She recently recorded a Chopin album and her third CD with sonatas by Schubert will be released soon (sponsored by Stadt Wien).
Clara Biermasz has been the scholarship-holder of different cultural funds in the Netherlands such as the Cultuurfonds, the Stichting Willem Mengelberg Fonds, the Stichting Fonds voor Geld- en Effectenhandel, the Stichting A.F.V.O.M.S., the Stichting Niemeijer Fonds, Stichting Vreedefonds and received a scholarship from the City of Vienna.
Clara currently lives in Vienna, with her husband Adam Javorkai (cellist) and her two sons, Ruben and Aaron.
N.B. This biography is not to be altered or shortened without permission.