© MS Kocon

Ádám Jávorkai

Jun 30 - Jul 6, 2025

Piano: Nao Huang (Jul 3-6)

Fee for active participants
€ 420
(€ 120 application fee, € 300 course fee)

Fee for passive participants
€ 120

Optional supplementary package
€ 580

The supplementary package covers

  1. Full board at Gasthaus Moser

  2. Accommodation at Gasthaus Moser or Frühstückspension Mariahilfberg 

  3. Transfer (Vienna Hilton or airport / Jun 29 to Gutenstein and back / Jul 7). Transfer shuttles are only available between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m, please book your flight accordingly!!!

  4. All shuttles and transports in and around Gutenstein will be provided for you between 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., except Monday June 30th (welcome dinner!) between 9 a.m.-9.30p.m.

Please book the supplementary package till May 15! 

The application-and course fee is NOT included in the package and must be payed EXTRA!The application-and course fee is NOT included in the package and must be payed EXTRA!

Teaching language
German, English, Hungarian

Application deadline
June 12, 2025
(provided there are still free places)

Cancellation conditions
In the event of cancellation for whatever reason, the course fee will be refunded till June 26, later only if you can provide a substitute participant! Once you have completed the registration process, the registration fee will no longer be refunded!


First meeting: Monday, Jun 30, 11.00 a.m. at the Meierhof Gutenstein, Markt 2, 2770 Gutenstein (introducing of applicants, schedule of classes, house rules)

  • Monday evening, June 30, 2025: Welcome dinner for all students of the Masterclasses Piano & Cello, 6:30 p.m. at Gasthaus Moser (changes will be announced in time!) 

  • Adam Javorkai will work every day with every single participant approx. 45-50 minutes. Please let Mr. Javorkai and Mrs. Nao Huang know till June 8th per email which repertoire you chose for the Masterclass: adamjavorkai@gmail.com and ciaccona200210@gmail.com.

  • Thursday, July 3 – Sunday, July 6: You will have the chance to rehearse your concert program with the pianist Nao Huang.

  • Sunday, July 6, 2025
    11:00 a.m.: Sunday mass: students of the Masterclass Cello will perform 2-3 pieces at the church Mariahilfberg
    At the stagepiano: Nao Huang
    at about 1 p.m.: General rehearsal,
    Refektorium Servitenkloster Mariahilfberg (changes will be announced)
    4 p.m.: Final Concert,
    Refektorium Servitenkloster Mariahilfberg (Shuttles will be provided to and from Mariahilfberg).
    After the concert drinks and snacks for everyone at the Servitenkloster.

About Ádám Jávorkai

Ádám Jávorkai, renowned Hungarian cellist living in Vienna, is a musician of worldwide reputation and laureate of many international competitions. Critics all around the globe admire him already for decades. This artist ungrudgingly shares his exceptional technical and musical capabilities as an inspiration for young talents, showing them new creative ways to express their enthusiasm for music. 
Ádám Jávorkai teaches the methods of David Popper, Pablo Casals and André Navarra. His teaching approach is based on developing new musical ideas in different artistic styles, with an accent on harmonious unity of expression, technique and movement.

Ádám Jávorkai, born in Györ, attended the Hans Richter Conservatoire in his native city and the Béla Bartók Conservatoire in Budapest, which he completed with distinction. From 1996 to 2004, he studied in the classes of Prof. Angelika May and Prof. Reinhard Latzko at the University of Music and the Performing Arts in Vienna. He completed his M.A. with unanimous distinction. Currently, he is pursuing a doctorate in musicology in Vienna. For further perfection, he has attended master classes held by Miklós Perényi, Ina-Esther Joost, Tobias Kühne, Ferenc Rados and Anner Bijlsma.

Ádám Jávorkai has finished many competitions with honours. As a teenager, he won the Hungarian Emil Vajda Stringed Instruments Competition for three years in succession after 1991 and the first prize of the National Cello Competition in Hungary in 1990, 1993 and 1996. 1998: Bohuslav Martinu Prize of the International Summer Academy Prague-Vienna-Budapest; 2000: Appreciation Prizes ‘Cellist of the Year’ and ‘Best Interpreter of Slovenian Compositions’, awarded by the Association of Slovenian Composers; 2002: Bartók Prize, Semmering, Austria; 2003: Kodály Prize for the duo with Sándor Jávorkai, Austria; 2008: in a duo with Clara Biermasz first prize at the international competition ‘Premio Città di Padova’, Italy, category chamber music, and at the same place awarded the ‘Primo Premio assoluto’ together with Clara Biermasz as the overall winners of all categories; the same year, first prize at ‘Soloist and Orchestra’, Italy.

In 2009, Sándor and Ádám Jávorkai were together honoured as ‘Artist of the Year’ by Jeunesse and Bank Austria.

From 2001 to 2003, Ádám was a scholarship-holder of the Annie Fischer Foundation in Budapest, in 2002 he received a scholarship from the Herbert von Karajan Centre in Vienna and scholarships from the Nippon Foundation, Tokyo, in 2003 and 2004. Ádám Jávorkai regularly holds master classes in different countries, e.g. at the Asahikawa International String Seminar in Japan, at the Orpheus Academy in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, at the Judenburg Summer in Austria, at the Music University in Bogota, Colombia, and at the Kodály Society in Wales.

As a soloist, Ádám Jávorkai regularly appears with the Budapest Philharmonic, the Philharmonia Györ, the North Hungarian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Youth Symphony Orchestra in Genoa, the Sinfonietta Baden, the Savaria Symphony Orchestra, the Szeged Symphony Orchestra, the Sofia Soloists, the Orchestra of the Arena di Verona and other orchestras as well as with the concert organizer National Philharmonia Budapest. As a cello soloist, he has worked together with conductors such as Marcello Viotti und Mariss Jansons.

He has made many recordings for international radio and television stations (including for the Austrian classical channel Ö1 and Radio Stephansdom and for the Hungarian Radio Bartók). He has also collaborated in an ORF television production. In 2002, he produced a CD with works by Brahms (Double Concerto), Saint-Saëns and Tchaikovsky with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Györ under Ádám Medveczky. In 2009, he made a second CD with the Concerto for Cello op. 104 by Dvořák (Gramola 98865) and in 2011 a further CD with duos for violin and cello by Bartók, Kodály etc. (Gramola 98916). In 2013, a third CD was released under the aegis of the Mozarthaus String Quartet with two string quartets by Mozart (Gramola 99000) and in 2014 a further CD with cello sonatas by Brahms and Grieg.

Ádám was a representative of Austria at the International Jeunesse Festival in Brussels in 2005 and at the EU Music Festival in Warsaw on the occasion of the EU’s eastward expansion. In 2003, he followed an invitation from the Tokyo Foundation and took part in the Sylff Africa/Europe Regional Forum in Cairo in 2003 as a representative of Vienna Music University.

As a soloist or chamber musician, he has held concerts in Tokyo Opera City, the ‘Forbidden City’, Beijing, the Suntory Hall, Tokyo, the Vienna Musikverein, the Vienna Konzerthaus, the Berlin Konzerthaus, at the Schleswig-Holstein Festival, in the New Philharmonia in Luxembourg, at the ‘Settimane musicali al Teatro Olimpico’ in Vicenza, at the Chopin Festival in Gaming, at the Liszt Academy in Budapest, at the Cello Festival in Dordrecht, in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest and many other places. Concert tours have also taken him to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Oman, Colombia, Austria, the UK, Belgium, Denmark, Kosovo, France, Turkey, Japan, Norway, Egypt, Germany, Spain, China, Siberia, Italy, Israel, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece and Russia.

In 2014, in recognition of his work against discrimination and for international understanding he was awarded an Honorary Membership of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation by Baruch Tenembaum.

What the cellist got out of his instrument bordered on wizardry. (Franz Patocka, Festival der Klänge Vienna, 2009)

About Nao Huang

Huang, Nao MA.
Piano, Chamber music, Accompaniment

Nao Huang received her first piano lesson at the age of three from her mother in Japan. She studied first at the music school of Osaka Music College and Kyoto Municipal Horikawa High School music department. She received university diploma in solo, pedagogical and chamber music from the Toho Gakuen School of Music performances and collected first until 2010 professional experience as a manager in the piano department and accompanist at the Takarazuka Music Research. In Japan she performed in chamber music ensembles and as a accompanist. She gave also concerts in Asia and Europe with the taiwanese cellist Hsin-Kang Huang as a duo since 2012. With the Concertmaster Koichi Hasegawa from Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra published her first CD in 2010. In the same year she came to Europe and started a studied in Vienna at the Prayner Conservatory with Prof. Elisabeth Bollmann. Nao Huang studied with Prof. Till Alexander Körber and Prof. Michael Korstick at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz for a master's degree Piano chamber music. In 2016 she completed her master's degree with distinction. She took the masterclasses of Peter Lang, Avedis Kouyoumdjian, Miyoko Yamane Goldberg, Walter Fleischmann, Alejandro Geberovich, Laszlo Gereb, and Yoshie Kora. She often plays alongdifferent types of concerts (e.g.: chamber music, lieder recitals, new music, children's concerts and in the orchestra), as a accompanist for recording and final exams at Bruckner University, at competitions for instrumental and singing at many master classes in Austria and Germany. (Kepco masterclass coop. with Anton Bruckner University, Gutenstein masterclass, Erben music festival masterclass, La Cellissima etc...) From 2015 to 2017 she worked as accompanist at the Anton Bruckner University at the institute for singing, Voice and music theater. Since 2017 she plays as a temporary accompanist in the cello class of Prof. Pözlberger in Anton Bruckner University. She give the lessons at Gustav Mahler University (Carinthian State Conservatory) since 2018 for EF Piano, chamber music and accompaniment.

Über Nao Huang

Huang, Nao MA.
Klavier. Kammermusik. Korrepetition

Nao Huang erhielt im Alter von drei Jahren ersten Klavierunterricht von ihrer Mutter. Sie studierte in Japan am Music School of Osaka Music College und am Kyoto Municipal Horikawa High School Music Department. Ein Universitätsdiplom in Solo-, Pädagogik- und Kammermusik erhielt sie von der Toho Gakuen School of Music Performances und sammelte bis 2010 erste Berufserfahrungen als Managerin an der Klavierabteilung und Korrepetitorin am Takarazuka Music Research. In Japan trat sie in Kammermusik Ensembles und als Begleiterin auf. U.a. konzertierte sie in Asien und Europa mit dem taiwanesischen Cellisten Hsin-Kang Huang seit 2012 als Duo. Mit dem Konzertmeister Koichi Hasegawa aus Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra publizierte sie 2010 ihre erste CD. Im selben Jahr kam sie nach Europa und begann ein Studium in Wien am Prayner Konservatorium bei Prof. Elisabeth Bollmann. Nao Huang studierte an der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz im Masterstudium Klavier-Kammermusik bei Prof. Till Alexander Körber und Prof. Michael Korstick. Im 2016 schloss sie ihr Masterstudium mit Auszeichnung ab.Kurse absolvierte sie bei Peter Lang, Avedis Kouyoumdjian, Miyoko Yamane Goldberg, Walter Fleischmann, Alejandro Geberovich, Laszlo Gereb, Yoshie Kora. Sie spielt oft bei verschiedener Arten von Konzerten (z.B.: Kammermusik, Liederabend, Neue Musik, Kinderkonzert und im Orchester), als Korrepetitorin bei Aufnahme und Abschluss-Prüfungen an Bruckneruni, bei Wettbewerben für Instrumental und Gesang und bei vielen Meisterkursen in Österreich und Deutschland. (Kepco Masterclass Kooperation mit Anton Bruckner Universität, Gutenstein Masterclass, Erben Music festival Masterclass, La Cellissima usw...) Von 2015 bis 2017 arbeitete sie als Korrepetitorin am Institut für Gesang, Stimme und Musiktheater an Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität tätig. Seit 2017 spielt sie als aushilfliche Korrepetitorin in Celloklasse bei Prof. Pözlberger an Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität. Seit 2018 unterrichtet sie an Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität (Kärntner Landeskonservatorium) für EF Klavier, Kammermusik und Korrepetition.